2011. július 15., péntek

Android phone filetransfer over Wifi


I don't like to plug my phone to my computer for filetransfer purposes, if you don't like, too, this post is for you :)

We can access our phone's SD card over Wifi, with the SwiFTP application. We can conclude that this program makes an FTP server from our phone :)

It's a free app, you can download it from market. I have been using it since I've got my phone.

After the installation, we are on the setup screen, we can set every things for the FTP server :)

  • Username: The username for the FTP server
  • Password: The password for the FTP server
  • Port number: The default port number is 2121, you can modify it if you want.
  • Stay within folder (e.g /sdcard): the FTP server's root directory, you shouldn't modify it.
  • Accept connections from wifi: The phone is accessible over wifi
  • Accept connections from net proxy: If you want to access your phone from an "outside network"
  • Keep phone awake (full CPU speed): This option prevents phone from sleep, and CPU is on maximum clock signal.
After the set-up, press Save. :) It drops back to the main screen, and after pressing start, the FTP server is working, there's an icon on the notification bar. You can access your new server from TotalCommander etc. The phone shows on the Wifi URL section the ftp://<yourphonesip>:port stringYou can copy, paste, move, etc :)

Peace :)

2011. július 12., kedd

My new computer-configuration


Sorry for being late, me telling as my english teacher taught :D

This post is about my new computer configuration. I am a school-leaver and there is a custom in Hungary, the close and distand relatives give presents to the school-leaver. I got some money, so I could build my new configuration.

Except the computer case and ODD, all the things are new. Here's my config:

  • Asus P7H55-M SI Motherboard (LGA1156 socket)
  • Intel Core i3-540 processor, 3.06 GHz
  • 3x1GB Kingston DDR3 RAM
  • WD CaviarGreen 500GB Winchester
  • ASUS HD5670 1GB GDDR5 Video card
  • Corsair CX430 430W Power supply
In Hungary, these stuff cost 79000 HUF (~258 British pound, ~294 EUR ~ 412USD). All the games run fast, there is no lag, but when I started every game, I turned the resolution to the maximum and the graphical details to extra/max.

If you want a rather good computer, I can offer these parts :) My old machine is also in good hands..my brother got it :)

Peace! :)

PS: If you want to upgrade the machine, it's possible. You can buy stronger CPU, plus RAM, or stronger ATI or nVidia card. But you must upgrade the power supply, then.