2012. január 20., péntek

Arch Linux - No graphical acceleration after kernel upgrade


I wanted to try my own kernel with BFS scheduler but after loading my kernel there was no graphical acceleration. I couldn't use compiz, and the emerald window decorator was not working.

I found a package in AUR named Catalyst-hook and that package solved my problem. 
AUR: Arch User Repository. You have to download a file called PKGBUILD and that file will do all the jobs you need (compiles the package on your computer, so you cannot download pkg-s from AUR). 

This stuff re-created the fglrx module on my computer, and all the things are working like a charm!

When I wanted to compile the new module, the PKGBUILD file was wrong. It was pointing to a link I could never reach, so there were problems during the compiling. Fortunately I had an older version of Catalyst and I modified the PKGBUILD file, but there is an md5 checksum check in the compiling process and the new and the old file's checksum is (as we know) not equal. I created a new md5 value, pasted it to the PKGBUILD file and it worked!

Then I got a package with .pkg.tar.xz extension, I installed it with sudo pacman -U mypackage.pkg.tar.xz and that's it! Reboot, and we are happy!

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