2011. március 22., kedd

Cut mp3 files with mp3cut


On the other day I had to cut and save to an other file a part of mp3 file. It worked with Virtual DJ, because I had to cut just a 30sec. part. I listened to 30 sec. and that's it.

But how do you cut a 30 min. lenght part? Do you listen to 30 min.?

Probably not.

There is a great program, called mp3cut, which allows you to cut parts in a given interval. In Ubuntu you can install with this command: sudo apt-get install poc-streamer (because mp3cut is a part of poc-streamer package)

You can run mp3cut from terminal, and here's the syntax:

mp3cut -o outputfile.mp3 -t hh:mm:ss-hh:mm:ss inputfile.mp3

Example: There is an mp3 file, and we would like to cut a part from 00:05:00 to 00:07:00.

mp3cut -o outputfile.mp3 -t 05:00-07:00 inputfile.mp3

And that's it :)
Use and enjoy :)

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